What is a "Visa for Medical Stay"?

"Visa for Medical Stay" is a visa issued to foreign patients wishing to visit Japan for medical purposes (including full medical check-ups). The visa is issued to their accompanying person(s) as well if necessary.

1Scope of Medical Services

Applicable medical services include not only medical treatment at a medical institution, but a variety of services ranging from full medical check-ups and medical examinations to recuperation such as hot springs recuperation.

* Applicable medical services include any acts instructed by medical institutions in Japan (including full medical check-ups, medical examinations, medical check-ups, dental care and recuperation [including hot springs recuperation of 90 days or less])

2Multiple Visas

Multiple visas may be issued to foreign patients, if necessary and as needed.

* However, a multiple visa may be issued only when each visit to Japan is for a period of 90 days or less. In order to apply for a multiple visa, foreign patients are required to present a Medical Treatment Plan from a physician in Japan, which may be obtained through a guarantor.

3Accompanying Person(s)

Not only family members but also non-family members of foreign patients are permitted to accompany them, if necessary and as needed.

* Accompanying person(s) may be issued the same visa as foreign patients, if necessary and as needed. Accompanying person(s) are to visit Japan to take personal care of foreign patients and are not allowed to engage in income-generating businesses or activities to receive remuneration.

4Period of Validity

3 years, if necessary and as needed.

*The period of validity is determined based on the clinical condition of foreign patients and other factors.

5Period of Stay

90 days, 6 months, 1 year. The period of stay is determined based on the clinical condition of foreign patients and other factors.

* Foreign patients are required to be staying in a Japanese medical institution if the expected period of stay is longer than 90 days. In such cases, those foreign patients are required to obtain a Certificate of Eligibility from the Immigration Bureau of the Ministry of Justice through a staff member of the medical institution where the foreign patients are to be hospitalized or through their family member who lives in Japan.

Nankai International Travel is a registered guarantor (Travel agency). The registration number is [NO.A-004].

Overview of the Visa Application Process

1. Contact us

1. We are a Registered Guarantor of Medical Visa. Please contact us directly and we will make arrangements with hospitals in Japan.

* The registration number of Nankai Travel International is [A-004].

2. Select a Medical Institution

2. After selecting the most appropriate medical institution with us, you will be able to obtain a Certificate from the medical institution about the planned medical services as well as a Medical Treatment Plan (if necessary) in order to prepare for the visa application.

3. Visa Application

3-1.Materials to be prepared by the patient [himself/herself and accompanying persons].

  • Certificate from the medical institution about the Planned Medical Services as well as a Medical Treatment Plan (original)
  • Please sign on the consent form (we will send you the original in PDF format)
  • Copy of the passport page with photo
  • Certificate of employment
  • Proof of Assets (bank account balances, etc.)

3-2. The above ①must be sent to us in original document,however, for ②③④⑤, you can send us by email (the original documents are not necessary).

3-3. We will send you an invoice for the fee of identity guarantee and visa application.

3-4. Confirmation of the payment of visa application fee

3-5. Application materials will be prepared and sent to the applicant.

3-6. Once you receive all the visa documents, please check with the embassy/consulate of Japan in your country and submit the visa application.

4. Obtain The Visa for Medical Stay

4-1. After obtaining the Visa, please come to Japan and receive your medical treatment.

4-2. After returning to your home country, we need a photo of your boarding pass of the return flight in order to submit a departure report to the Japan Tourism Agency. Please ensure that you inform our person in charge at Nankai Travel International.

Contact Us

Business Creation Department


〒556-0011 Nankai SK Namba Building 8F, Nambanaka 1-10-4, Naniwa-ku, Osaka
